Friday, May 21, 2010

How does your garden grow?

Here’s what the garden looked like back in March:


Here’s what it looks like now:

Garden 2

And to help you get a little scope, here’s the front of the garden:

Front of Garden

… the middle of the garden:


… and the back of the garden:

Back of Garden

Here’s what we pulled in today:

Today's harvest

There’s going to be much more where that came from!


Larry said...

Great garden! Where are all the weeds??? Is it all yours or a community garden?

Rebecca said...

Larry- there are tons of weeds, we are constantly weeding. This is kind of a community garden. My friend Krista has land and a large garden plot and she invited me and our friend Fiona to garden with her and her family. It's working out really well and we all planted and we all weed and we share the veggies when they're ready. Krista's husband Jason takes his tiller and hits each row, on average, twice a month and that helps a lot with keeping the weeds down.

Diane said...

This garden is incredible. Planting a vegetable garden is on my life's "to do" list.