Saturday, September 18, 2010

Black Creek Canoe Trip: Preview

There are adorable pictures documenting our super fun canoe trip today, and those I will post tomorrow. But for tonight, I’ll share a canoe anecdote that makes me laugh even now.

As the canoe (paddled by me and Nigel, with Emmaline and Max along for the ride) headed swiftly and unwaveringly into a dense low-hanging tree, I could see that the crash was inevitable and I shouted, “Duck!”

At that point we immediately slammed into a mess of low hanging branches and Emmaline started screaming her head off and tried to jump out of the canoe and into the water (I seriously thought she had a snake on her, but in reality she was scared of a water spider) and Nigel was shouting, “What’s wrong, Emmaline? Why are you screaming?” and Max was crying because he had leaves in his mouth and I was laughing uncontrollably, because it was all so funny to me. The best I could do was gasp between giggling fits and call for Ernie to come and help us.

Ernie got us untangled and Emmaline decisively left my canoe to ride with Ernie (because of the aforementioned spider scare) and we started down the creek again.

About 10 minutes after the incident, when things were once again peaceful and calm, Max turned to me and calmly stated, “I don’t like that Duck, Mommy”. Poor kid was probably looking for a water fowl when we hit the tree.


Sarah said...

Hahahahaha!!!! That is hilarious!

Ernie said...

Rebecca- The best part of that trip was being there with you. You are the best part of my life!

I couldn't stop laughing, either. I thought Emmaline was going to climb over you and jump in the water to get away from that spider. She obviously has some of my mom's DNA!

Kitty Smith said...

I absolutely love that story! Lee and I giggled for days over it. DUCK!

Joni said...

Ahahaaa... you've gotta watch out for that DUCK.