Friday, October 15, 2010

Max Had a Birthday!

Our little baby- that sweet, cuddly little guy- turned 3 today!

When I found out I was pregnant with my fourth baby (Max), I was certain that I was having a girl. Not because I was sicker, or because I had a spiritual prompting. No, I thought I was having a girl because I was certain that Heavenly Father truly understood me and He knew my need to have conveniently paired children for bedroom sharing. 2 boys, 2 girls- it was going to be perfect. Obviously that didn’t happen and needless to say, Heavenly Father did truly understand me. He knew that I needed Max much more than I needed conveniently paired children.

Max has been a joy to our entire family since the day he was born. I can say that in all honesty. Max completed our family and all of us are better for knowing him. He’s a fiesty thing these days, but he’s still incredibly sweet. He has followed me around the house today, so happy about all the birthday preparations, whispering, “I love you Mommy”. Max likes to introduce me to people and he usually says, “Hey! This is my Friend! Her name Mom!”

Max ADORES his Daddy. He also adores Ernie, Nigel, and Emmaline. Max loves Buzz Lightyear and motorcycles. Trucks, trains, and cars. He really loves preschool. He likes to go places. He likes to pretend that when we drive around town we are in a video game and he gives running commentary like, “Oh NO! We going crash that car!!” or “MOMMY! WE GOING UP A HILL” or “Mommy, we going DOWN a hill- WHEEEEEE!”

Tonight was his birthday party. We had some family friends over, we grilled out, we lit a fire, and we ate cupcakes.

Max was in heaven.







Sarah said...

That is adorable that he introduces you as his friend. Happy Birthday, Max!

Diane said...
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Diane said...

I didn't realize it would post that I removed a post. All I wanted to do was add something. So, I'll start again...

Happy Birthday to Max! And I want to know what frosting you used on the cupcakes. Did you pipe it on? Mine never look that good.

Liney said...

aww he is getting so big!!! love this kid!!

Kitty Smith said...

I'm so late on this, but big Happy Birthdays to my favorite 3 year old nephew! He is such a doll! I'll always get a little giggle over "Mommy, I don't like that duck!".