Friday, November 26, 2010

Turkey Comas

Yesterday I made the best turkey I have ever made. It was a Butterball and I watched the temperature of the bird very, very carefully, I basted it faithfully, and it was basically amazing. The leftovers today have been divine.

A few of my favorite things about Thanksgiving:

  • Mashed Potatoes (my very favorite)
  • Pumpkin Pie
  • The delicious smells in the house
  • Staying home all day

The kids had a great time yesterday. We had the Painter family join us for the day and since they have 6 kids and we have 4 kids- you could certainly say that it was a kid-centric dinner. There was much running around outside for the kids. There was much fun and laughter from the adults.

Best thing about the Day After Thanksgiving:

  • Black Friday Shopping

Yes, this morning I went out shopping. I didn’t get up at 3am or 4am or 5am. Nope, I slept in until 7am, then I got up and eventually made my way out the door about 8am. I still got some really great deals, thanks to Toys R Us and Target. (Mostly Toys R Us). The very best thing of all is that I am now completely finished with the kids shopping. All that’s left is some stocking stuffers for my Ernie and I am officially done!

And the Christmas decorating has begun. Sigh. I love my house decorated for the holidays, I just really hate that it takes me two solid days to get it all done! I started today and after unpacking everything, and then surveying the damage- I looked at Ernie and told him I was going to take a nap. And I did. And it was way better than hanging garland.


Larry said...

Sounds like a fun T-day. We love a decorated home for Christmas, too--wreaths, two trees, lots of garland, pine cones, candles, creche, and if Melba feels up to it, our Dickens Christmas village--all 55 pieces placed around the house in groupings of 3-5 houses. Let the festivities begin!

Diane said...

Ahhhh, the smell of pumpkin pie and spices at Thanksgiving is the best!