Thursday, July 15, 2010

Love is in the Air

Maybe it was the wedding cake we made. Maybe it’s been too many Disney movies. But today, as we drove downtown to return books to the Library, Emmaline started pointing out all the places that Ernie and I could go to kiss. You know, to keep the romance alive.

“See that bridge Mom?…” (the footbridge on the University of Southern Mississippi campus that faces a busy 4 lane road) “…that would be a perfect place for you and Dad to go on a date and then stand on the bridge and kiss.”

“Hmmm”, I replied. “Well, I suppose we could do that.” (because I was only half-listening as I was navigating through heavy traffic.)

“Or you know, Mom. Another good idea is if you and Dad took a ride in a boat. That would be a perfect place for you and Dad to kiss.”

And now she had my full attention.

“Why would we do that, honey?”

“Because you and Dad are in love.”

“Emmaline, do you know what people do when they are in love?”

“Ummm, they kiss because they love each other?”

“Well, yes, they do that too, but more than anything else people who are in love talk to each other. Because when you’re in love with someone, that person is your best friend and you want to tell them everything and people who are in love talk a whole lot more than they kiss.”

Sheesh. For a brief moment, Emmaline had me envisioning a cruel future for her. One where she is expecting to be asked on a date a certain way. Or be proposed to a certain way. Or kissed for the first time in just the right spot, with just the right lighting- or the love wouldn’t be real. I was already feeling sorry for the poor boy who was already doomed to failure because he won’t be, couldn’t possibly be, Mr. Darcy.

I then announced to all the kids (just to clarify) that when Ernie and I are on a date, we do not spend the whole time kissing. We spend the whole time talking. [Well, it’s possible that there is some kissing going on while we’re on a date. Because, let’s face it- kissing is way more fun when the kids aren’t around.]


Trina Barry said...

So cute! I especially loved the whole "Mr. Darcy" part. ;)

Larry said...

Actually, a little public affection is a good thing. When our kids were little we would intentionally kiss and hug in front of them so they would know that that was a good thing. As I watch my grown children now I am pleased to see that they are demonstrative toward their spouses and children. And yes, I agree that talking is so very critical.