Friday, July 23, 2010

Watching the Days Go By

Kitty and the kids left last Thursday. I have been sad. While I love all of my friends here in Mississippi- truly, truly I do- it is like the Balm of Gilead to spend time with Kitty, who has been in my life for 15 years now and has been around for every significant adult decision I’ve ever made. It is lovely to spend time with someone with whom you can communicate in half sentences:

“Remember that time…?”


“I know, right?!”

And an outsider has no idea that we’re both fondly remembering our favorite restaurant. (Chili’s)

So Kitty left, and life has been busy, and the kids and I are beginning the transition for going Back to School. School starts here on August 6. (Yes, in case your compelled to look at the calendar, that’s a Friday).

And we’ve been in the car driving a lot- because… drum roll, please… I have been to the gym every single morning this week! And after not going for the previous 5 weeks- it’s admittedly been a little hard for me to walk most days.

All this driving, combined with no DVD player in the car, has led to some interesting conversations. Nigel announced that he broke up with his girlfriend Darla. Ernie wanted to know why- and Nigel told him that Darla was just too annoying and that he didn’t like it when she would see him in Primary and shout “I love you, Nigel!” across the room. Understandable, if you ask me.

Emmaline told me that she has a boyfriend, Pacey, from her kindergarten class, but that she never bothered to tell him- so he doesn’t actually know that Emmaline has staked a claim.

Ernie let everyone know that he is going to be sure to eat his meat and vegetables so that his muscles can get really big, because he’s pretty sure that when he goes to college and girls see his big muscles- that the girls will faint in awe. Literally- he thinks that they will faint. This led Emmaline to ask me if I fainted the first time I saw my Ernie’s muscles. My answer: No. (But they were very nice back then, to be sure.)

So life goes on. The kids grow up. I make PB&J’s every day. And we love each other.

1 comment:

amyraye said...

this is why i loved blogging on a daily basis: to have posts like these. about nothing, but saying so much about our daily lives. totally loved this sweet post.