Monday, August 9, 2010

If you don’t have anything nice…

If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all. That pretty much sums up my lack of blogging for the past week.

No, it’s not been terrible. Just busy, with wild kids, too much on the calendar, and a couple of migraines thrown in just for fun.

The kids started back to school last Friday and they loved it. Simple as that. I am happy and I think that this is going to be a banner year for each of them in school. Max broke my heart that first day of school as he ran as fast as his little legs would carry him- with a lunchbox with crackers inside grasped in his hand- and tried to catch the bus. He couldn’t keep up with the older kids (who were running because the bus was early on the first day) and he sobbed on the road when he realized he wasn’t going to make it and then the bus pulled away without him.

Ernie had a rough week at work and those issues took a lot of thought and prayer and discussion. I’m grateful to have a husband who is truly my friend and is interested in my thoughts and opinions.

The migraines are getting a little out of control- I think that they are allergy related, but my allergy meds combined with Aleve aren’t fixing the problem like they usually do.

I’ve spent the week reflecting on a lot of things. We have had a great summer with lots of cousin time, lots of pool time, and lots of fun. I think my kids are absolutely delightful and I am amazed at times that I get to parent such cool kids. Just the same, it’s a nice transition to have the older ones back in school and to get back to the things that just Max and I do (or really the things that just I do- since Max hasn’t had a decent nap all summer and now he’s making up for lost time- giving me, by default, lots of free time).

I will have many more pleasant things to report this week- I’m sure of it! I’ll take pictures of the kids in their uniforms. I’ll cook dinner most nights. I’ll go to the doctor about the headaches. Most of all I will say only nice things.


Trina Barry said...

Hey, I remember that you like diet coke? Am I right? My Dad mentioned to me years ago, that he would get really bad headaches from asapartame. Check out this article: Hope you find out what's causing your migranes soon.

stalker sarah said...

Sorry you had a bad week! I know how you feel and I also haven't been blogging much! Maybe soon! :) Glad you have a positive attitude, though! You're AWESOME! :)