Thursday, January 13, 2011

Dental Work and Dieting

I had two cavities filled today. My mouth hurts.

The dentist went a little overboard on the Novocain, because I couldn’t move or feel the right side of my face for over 4 hours today. Which means that even though I was hungry, I couldn’t eat. I walked through Target with a paper towel in my hand in case I drooled.

At first I considered how funny it would be to take a picture of myself, and then after I actually looked at my face in the mirror- a small modicum of vanity kicked in and decided not to.

And then, on top of all this- I am trying out the new Weight Watchers program. Because this Weight Watchers plan is new to me, I don’t know what to eat! All of this does not make for a particularly pleasant Rebecca.

I need Ernie to come home.


Andi B said...

Awe...poor Rebecca...I noticed your post earlier on FB and was going to ask about it. Sorry you had your mouth poked and prodded. No fun...but I do want to see 'drooly-rebecca' if you ever feel up to posting that pic :)

Unknown said...

Hi Rebecca! I had the same experience yesterday in the dentist's office. The dentist pulled my upper first molar and it really hurts until now. I kept on drooling too. On the other hand, my daughter enjoyed her appointment with the dentists in Chattanooga, TN. She's so happy to find her teeth so clear and white because of the professional teeth whitening treatment her dentist gave her. Before we left their office, one dentist shared one of their services, which is the Cerec One Vist Crowns Chattanooga dental treatment. It's perfect timing since my brother needs the said dental service as soon as possible. Good luck to your dieting regimen.