Monday, January 24, 2011


Ah the Science Fair. It’s January so it must be Science Fair time. And the big news of the day today…

Little Ernie took 1st place in his category! Pretty impressive since he goes to school with 450 other 4th graders. He placed in the Geology category for his volcano related project entitled: Is There a Connection Between Subduction Zones and Volcanoes?

Emmaline came home from school today and she scored 100% on her spelling test! This is an achievement, my friends. She has been working so hard at learning how to read and how to spell. I’m so proud of her.

Nigel always makes perfect grades (it’s true). He’s my kid who likes to sit down on Monday and do all of his homework for the week. (As opposed to Ernie- who I rarely actually see doing his homework- who mostly just does his on the bus in the morning. I think.) Nigel offered up the best word I’ve heard all week when he was telling me about his science fair project- a statistical analysis of Skittles bags. He didn’t place, which was disappointing to him- but he told me that they did give him a “Terrificate”. According to Nigel a terrificate is a piece of paper that they give you when you do something Terrific!

Max is taking home the prize these days in the Terrible Threes. (Terrible Twos- what a joke. Max was a dream as a two year old.) I love that kid like he were my own son, but somedays…. Max is funny and willful and busy and stubborn all mixed up in one. But we love him. And he’s cute. And those two things seem to outweigh everything else. I just have to remind myself that someday he’ll be all grown up and winning science fairs too.

1 comment:

stalker sarah said...

Ha ha ha!!! Cute kiddies!!! Congrats to Ernie and Emmaline!! Yay!! And Nigel rocks for loving school!! And I'm not looking forward to the terrible 3s! Blah!!!