Saturday, January 8, 2011

Toilet Musings

Is it just my kids- or do all kids seem to have issues with flushing the toilet?
We have 4 bathrooms in this house. That’s a lot of bathrooms to clean and 2 of them are upstairs so I may only glance at them a couple of times a week. But one thing I can promise you- without fail- I will glance into any of the aforementioned bathrooms and see that the toilet must be flushed.
Last night I started upstairs when I put the kids to bed and I checked both bathrooms. Yep, they both needed to be flushed. Then I picked up some dirty clothes in Emmaline’s room and brought them downstairs to the laundry room causing me to pass by the guest bathroom and yes, again, the toilet needed to be flushed. So I dropped off the laundry and thought- sure, let’s just check out my bathroom- just in case. And people, I was 4 for 4 last night.


Andi B said...

Oh my gosh I'm soooooo glad you posted this. I have the same exact they LIKE seeing that? Maybe they are like cats and dogs...they only go where others have gone..

Ernie said...

I need some friendly advice from fellow parents: Anyone out there have any ideas on how to help my kids to learn the habit of flushing?

The Clayburn Family said...

We have this same problem. I actually had a conversation today with Matt regarding this. In addition to the non-flushing issue, we have the "leave the toilet seat up" issue. That is just as bad in my opinion!! Grrr!

Joni said...

That is beyond nasty. We are starting to attempt potty training Amy and I am like ALWAYS FLUSH but lucky for me, she likes the noise it makes, so she flushes it like 20 times a day.

Jen said...

I have the same problem! With 4 males living my house and 4 bathrooms to clean, as well! Arggg!! I hate this task of cleaning toilets. Why can't they aim, either?!! I am constantly cleaning the base of the toilet, the rim, and the seat! It drives me nuts!