Sunday, November 14, 2010

Circle of Life

You will not believe this.

I am serious.

Last night I made Turkey Pot Pie for dinner and I served it with a Spinach Salad and sliced up Zucchini Bread.

And each and every one of my children raved about how delicious it was and Nigel of all children actually told me that he wishes that every night we could eat such delicious food and have a dinner like that where he likes everything on the table.

Seriously? Obviously I am thrilled, but my kids usually complain to the extreme about a casserole type dish like a Pot Pie.

It must mean they’re growing up. Which made me think about how they’re actually growing up a little too fast for my taste, and then I remembered Little Ernie’s wise counsel to me when he was 5 years old. When I told him he was growing too fast and that I probably was going to have to stop feeding him- he looked at me and sighed, “Mom- you eat, you poop, you grow. It’s the circle of life.”


stalker sarah said...

Ha ha ha! I love little Ernie's comment! He is so cute! And your dinner sounds delicious....who wouldn't love that!?! :) Glad all the kids enjoyed it! They do have a mom who is an EXCELLENT cook!!! And an EXCELLENT mother (all-around) for that matter! Miss you guys!

Anonymous said...

This Circle of Life comment needs to be on a bumper sticker! I'd buy it.

Sarah said...
