Friday, October 1, 2010

It’s Been a Long Time Coming

Ernie has been begging. Begging, I tell you- to get away, just the two of us. This begging has gone on for at least 3 years and grad school, babies, moving, etc have all conspired against us and prevented us from having such a weekend as the one I am have right now. Yep- at this very moment I am typing a quick blog while Ernie reads his book and I am watching the boats float out on the Sound. We snuck away this weekend (we didn’t even tell the kids until last night) and we are spending two days at Orange Beach in Alabama. A few happy thoughts:

  • It’s silent in the condo right now because no one is talking. How novel.
  • I am really looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow and waking up whenever my body decides it wants to wake up. No alarms, no one crying about cereal.
  • I have downloaded a 1000 page book to the Kindle to read at the beach tomorrow- and I will read without worrying where the kids are and without the constant mental headcounting.
  • Ernie and I had a delightful, leisurely dinner and I plan to repeat that experience tomorrow night (as opposed to having to wait until the next date night).
  • I like still really like Ernie. After 15 years, he’s still my BFF.

This little break (mini-vacay, if you will) is wonderful. It’s been a long time coming and I feel lucky to be here. I won’t take it for granted.


amyraye said...

reminds me of my hawaii life. it is the best feeling ever to go to sleep knowing you can wake up whenever you want. you totally need more than 2 days, but 2 days will be enough that you'll make it a priority to do it again...soon. guaranteed.
have fun!!

Doreen said...

Such a well-deserved respite for two favorite kids!

Sarah said...

I'm so happy for you guys! :-D

Larry said...

Why the Kindle and not the Nook? I'd be interested in your comparison--if you did one.