Thursday, July 8, 2010

Who says boys don’t like Barbie?

After a really, really long day at the pool- the kids are exhausted :) Ernie and Kitty are on a date and so after an easy dinner of pasta with parmesan cheese, broccoli, and watermelon- I told the kids that we would have a movie night and that the movie of the evening would be: Barbie in A Mermaid’s Tale.

You can imagine the disgust on Ernie and Nigel’s faces. The horror and the cruelty, that their own mother would suggest that they watch such obviously female fare. (Max and Cooper- who are 2 and 4- thought it’d be just fine).

Well, the smell of popcorn lured the older boys back in and at the moment all 7 children are sprawling in the living room, wondering how Merliah will defeat her evil aunt and restore the undersea kingdom of Oceana before it gets destroyed.

I love it when everyone enjoys a good movie!

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