Sunday, June 13, 2010

Wiggins, Mississippi

Wiggins, Mississippi: Population 3,849

We had a great day today in Wiggins. Ernie was on assignment to speak in church there and he asked me if I would be the other speaker (when Ernie goes to the smaller towns, he is asked to bring his own youth speaker or other speaker). I said, of course! So we got up earlier than usual this morning, packed lunches, and drove an hour to be at church with Ernie. It was so fun to go to church with him and it was really good for the kids to see how the church functions in small areas as well as bigger areas.

I spoke on Tithing and Ernie spoke about Consecration and giving our whole heart to the Lord, instead of holding back a part for ourselves. There were 54 people in attendance and we all sat in a medium size room with folding chairs for our Sacrament service. The air conditioning wasn’t working so it was warm. Warm enough that the very elderly lady who told us that she usually freezes and covers herself with a blanket, told me that she was “perfectly comfortable at church without her sweater” for the first time in a long time. Everyone else, of course, was dying.

It was definitely worth it, though, to be together as a family. I felt at home in that small town. Several women came up and hugged me after the service, which I really liked. All in all it was a very uplifting Sunday and it was a joy to be together as a family.


stalker sarah said...

That sounds like fun! I bet you guys gave awesome talks! I would NOT have loved that, since I HATE speaking in public! But mad props to you! Oh, and we may have to fight over Florent! ;) Soccer guys rock!:) Miss you!

amyraye said...

you're such a sweet wife, rebecca. :)