Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Lunch Date

In the middle of laundry folding, toilet scrubbing, and kitchen cleaning this morning, I got an email from Ernie which said:

Do you want to meet me for lunch today?  It would have to be at 12:15p but I would LOVE to have lunch somewhere with you.  Maybe even Rose’s or a sandwich place?  Could you manage?

And I replied:

Yes I can meet you for lunch. 12:15 actually works really well for me. Are you buying?

(Ernie and I maintain small separate checking accounts for incidentals.)

And then Ernie emailed back and said:

I will buy, but I better get lucky tonight!

Ah, the romance.

So Max and I left the tedium of housework behind and met Ernie for lunch. It was lovely. He didn’t look at his blackberry hardly at all and I talked as fast as I could, trying to condense all the things that have happened in the last few days into 30 minutes. Ernie has been working so much, we seriously haven’t talked since we had our date last Saturday night. I felt lucky, while we sat there, to think that he is still the person that I want to talk to about everything and that it’s his opinion that is most important to me. At the end of lunch, I had bullet pointed out the items that needed to be addressed at a later date (because I bullet point when I talk. Why? Who knows. Apparently I live in a permanent outline format.) and I had sufficiently summarized the things that needed to be immediately addressed. Lunch was short, but it was a success. I talked, he listened. I was happy, he was happy. It’s really the little things that make a happy marriage, don’t you think?


amyraye said...

absolutely. we share the same brain- remember?

i smiled the entire way through the post, nodding my head.

Trina Barry said...

Very sweet post!

Sylvia said...

I love lunch dates with the husband! Dave and I went out to lunch on Tuesday. He finally finished up that big project last Friday and now we have a bit of time to spend with each other.

Kitty Smith said...

I miss going out with Lee for lunch. There aren't any lunch spots within 30 minutes of Lee's work. Ahhhh, the simple things. You are right, little things make all the difference. Keep up the romance!