Thursday, March 4, 2010

School Clothes

At least once a week Little Ernie comes home from school and tells me how mad he is that next year he is going to have wear school uniforms.

“The teachers won’t be able to tell us apart! I’ll get in trouble for things that won’t be my fault!” he’ll moan.

And then he’ll get more upset when I don’t immediately agree with him about how “stupid” school uniforms are and after that he’s guaranteed to sit and fume for at least 10 minutes about it.

So this morning, after seeing Emmaline’s inspired clothing choices for the day, I thought it’d be a good idea to document what they are all wearing now when they still have a choice.

Ernie and Nigel both wore track pants and long sleeve shirts. Track pants are the absolute number one favorite choice of both the boys. Max is proudly kickin’ it in his favorite: sweatpants and a sweatshirt. And Emmaline, well, she decided to wear her favorite dress, her favorite long sleeve shirt, and her favorite jeans- all at once. She loved how she looked!

school clothes

school clothes 2


Sylvia said...

I am SO jealous, jealous, jealous, jealous. You guys are going to school uniforms? That is my ultimate dream! No more picking out outfits anymore! No more, "Does this outfit look cute?" "NO! That shirt makes me look fat!" Seriously, I pray for school uniforms (ok, not really that would be going a little far) They have started taking telephone polls, and you can go online and vote....I have to admit..I might have gone online to vote in favor of uniforms once or twice....or more..

Clay and Lisa said...

I am so excited to find your blog (thanks to facebook). I feel like I am actually catching up with you. I totally miss you guys and your darling children. Max is looking so grown up. Tell everyone the cousins up North say "hi".