Friday, May 28, 2010

Beans are good for your heart…

Ladies and gentlemen,

Boys and girls,

Chipmunks and squirrels… It’s guest blogger time!

Rebecca is frantically converting our home into “our pretend house” before her sister, Sylvia, and her brother-in-law, Dave and their three kids get here. (Our
“pretend house” is what we call our house when we clean up for guests and we act like it is always this clean). I was laying on the couch watching her, and playing a video game when she dropped the guilt trip on me, and asked me to blog for her. I will tell you, I will choose blogging over housework any day of the week!


Anyway, I take my blogging responsibilities very seriously, so here goes:

Tonight’s blog is about the latest pack meeting. It was quite eventful. First, the cub scout leadership did a fantastic job. The theme was “Movie night”, and they transformed the cultural hall at church into a huge movie theater replete with movie screen, decorated tables, and concession stand with an old-fashioned popcorn machine. Very cool.

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Anyway, as part of the festivities, the scouts had a talent show. Little Ernie, in typical form, decided to show a talent that was truly ambitious, and not well thought out. His plan: Climb a 20’ rope, hand over hand. I assumed, wrongly, that he had been practicing this at scouts, and that they would have a rope set up for him. The night of the talent show, as we pulled into the parking lot of the church, Ernie sheepishly admitted that he had never climbed a rope before, and that he didn’t even have one with him to climb. We had to improvise. Adapt. Overcome.

As the announcer called the scouts one by one, and the scouts performed their talents, Ernie and I were conspiring. At last, the final contestant was called up. “And now, Ernie will recite a lovely poem,” the MC announced.

Ernie, grinning, walked up to the stage and proudly took the mic. He spoke clearly, annunciating every syllable:

Beans, beans they’re good for your heart

Beans, beans they make you fart

the more you fart, the better you feel

so eat beans at every meal!

Then he put his palm underneath his armpit and made the sound of repeated flatulence, while grinning ear to ear. It was a proud moment.


Sarah said...

Hahahahahaaaaa!!!! You did an excellent job filling in for Rebecca.

Suz said...

Ba ha ha! I try to have relatives over at least once a year to get in a good deep clean! :) Now you've outed Rebecca to her sister! Are you going to be like Jim and when they walk in the house that's never been cleaner make a remark like "Sorry the house is such a mess...." You two crack me up! Tell little Ernie I LOVE his poem!!

Doreen said...

I haven't laughed this hard in a while! Thanks for sharing Ernie's poem!

TheMann said...

that is so awesome! I'm am dying laughing.

Ernie said...

Get'em by the cart!