Monday, May 17, 2010

Smith Team

At our house we call ourselves the Smith Team. This has gone on since Little Ernie was 4 years old and he got mad at me and told me that he was “going to tell Daddy on me” and I responded that he could try, but that Daddy and I were “on the same team”. He then started crying and asked if he could be on the team too. Hence, the Smith Team was born. This is now a common phrase in our house and I say things a lot like “I need all of the Smith Team in the car in 5 minutes”.

After going to Time Out for Women and listening to the Eyre’s presentation on families, I realized that it’s time to step it up a notch. So, dear reader, I am looking for feedback and ideas on chore charts, allowances (fiscal responsibility), family councils, etc.

In addition to the nuts and bolts of family dynamics, we are also currently working on a motto and a symbol to represent our family. Here are the suggestions so far for a family symbol:

  • UGA (the Georgia Bulldog mascot)
  • an oak tree
  • the sun (to represent the celestial kingdom) [this was Little Ernie’s idea]
  • a wildebeest [thanks for playing Big Ernie]

Regarding the family motto, we are all coming up with concepts and ideas that are important to us that we can hopefully turn into a motto. When we come up with the finalized motto, I’ll be sure to post it here.


Sarah said...

I've been thinking for days about what our family mission statement should be. I know I want music and laughter in there somewhere. :)

I like the sun and oak tree the best.

When it comes to chores, I think it should be expected and not connected to allowance. I think allowance is great just for teaching kids how to budget and giving them the concept of, "When the money's gone, it's gone."

stalker sarah said...

That is awesome! I love Team Smith! I can't wait to hear the motto! Of course you know I love UGA. That dog is stinkin' cute! :)

The Clayburn Family said...

Excited to see the results!!

Larry said...

My daughter-in-law, Trina, has had success with chore assignments program from the web--you might ask her for the site.