Friday, April 2, 2010


Amy- I feel your swimsuit pain.

My lovely swimsuit from LL Bean arrived, and cute as it was in the picture, it just didn’t fit right.

Today I decided to do something that I haven’t tried in over 10 years. I went to the mall to find a swimsuit. Blech.

You know what, though? I think I might have found one. At the first store, too. I don’t like paying full price so I came home and found the same suit online with free shipping and no tax (tax is 7% in Mississippi). Unfortunately I couldn’t find it for a cheaper price, but no sales tax is definitely better than nothing.

Check it out here:

It’s a cute one-piece and I think it’s adorable. It’s called a swimdress, I’m almost embarrassed to say- since all the swimdresses I saw before this were really unattractive. But I’ll just go with the description on the website:

“Reminiscent of 1940's pinup-girls like Esther Williams, the Dots A Lot Adjustable top Swimdress is a retro classic.”

How can you go wrong with 40’s pin-up?


Clay and Lisa said...

Soooo cute this is not your typical mothers swim dress. This is a total pin up swim suit!!!!

amyraye said...

rebecca- i love it. love it. i'm waiting for downeast basics to get their suits in (mid-april). maybe after theirs don't fit, i'll try this site. thanks for the tip.

Joni said...

I have a retro style swimdress too - got it last year. I love that they are modest without being frumpy.

Doreen said...

I looked on the website - there were several I thought were really cute, one that reminded me of a suit I had when I was first married!