Friday, February 19, 2010

Good Week… but TGIF

  • The fraud department from my American Express card called to see if I had booked travel through I had not.
  • Emmaline told me that she wants to have 5 kids when she grows up because her primary teacher has 4 children and is pregnant right now.
  • Emmaline also told me that when she’s a mom, she’ll quietly invite all her kids to come to dinner, but it’s ok if someone doesn’t want to eat. Also, if her kids ask for different food at dinner, she’ll give it to them.
  • I took another nap today. That makes 2 this week. [I’m sorry- I’ve been really tired lately.]
  • I think that Max has an ear infection, but I’m not sure. He has a runny nose and he’s been a little fussy (which is actually really fussy for Max) but I’m still on the fence about whether or not he just has a bad cold.
  • I’m going out to dinner tonight with one of my girlfriends- at the Olive Garden. Sylvia, don’t judge.
  • My kids are pretty addicted to bubblewrap and Cheetos.
  • Ernie has had quality problems at the plant all week. He’s already worked over 60 hours this week and he just told me that he has to go to work tomorrow too.
  • I am going to a funeral tomorrow.
  • Nigel lost a tooth at school two days ago. He told me it didn’t fall out, he pulled it out because it was bothering him.
  • I baked cookies for the kids on Wednesday night and then ate 90% of them on Thursday while they were all at school. (Yet another reason that Cookie Wednesday would never work at my house.)
  • I’m super excited to be going to Seattle at the end of April! It’s the carrot dangling in front of me right now.
  • Everyone has complained around here about how cold this winter had been (which Ernie and I find amusing so we just nod and smile). But I have to be honest- I’m really excited that Sunday is supposed to be a high of 67. :)
  • I was sad when Ernie left for work today.
  • Max has had Cheetos powder on his face almost all day. I kept wiping his face this morning, then I gave up.
  • I was at Walmart this morning, practically in my pajamas, with bed head and no make-up when I ran into a friend and then I prolonged my embarrassment by having a 15 minute conversation with her up by the check-out aisles. She of course was fully dressed with perfect hair and make-up.
  • I have had a migraine today. Stupid migraines.
  • Sometimes I secretly think that if Ernie really loved me, he would never go to work. Then I remind myself that it’s nice to have money.


Larry said...

Reading postings like yours reminds me of how absolutely critical--and demanding--good parenting is. Just remember to take some "me" time--if the fountain goes dry, no one gets a drink.

amyraye said...

can't wait til you come in april!

i eat way more cookies than i should, too. :)

i also ended up at more places than i desired my pajamas. :)