Monday, January 4, 2010

Friends Old and New

So Ernie and I have moved. A lot. As in 4 states in 10 years and along the way we've gathered some pretty darn good friends. One of the things that always amazes me is how the Lord brings people into our lives at just the right time. As we've moved from place to place, Ernie and I have perfected the "friendship stages" (at least as they apply to us). We're pretty out-going and extroverted, so depending on the person we can move through the stages pretty quickly but, usually here's the pattern.

1. Move to a new place
2. Meet the neighbors, who may or may not be pleased that 4 small children just moved in next door.
3. Go to church.
4. Realize that your only friend for the next few months will be Ernie.
5. Show up to EVERYTHING. From the primary activity to the Relief Society activity that you're not at all interested in, to the Elder's Quorum service project.
6. Accept every playdate and girl's night invite.
7. Always smile and pretend like you're happy, even if you're not. No one wants to be friends with a sad sack.
8. Gradually introduce people to your sense of humor and view of the world.
9.Know that the people who's faces all blend together will become some of your best friends in the world.
10. Feel gratitude for old friends. The ones who know everything already and who understand everything without needing an explanation.

Tonight was a mix of old and new friends. We had the Burtons (LOVE the Burtons!!) over for dinner, then the Nickens dropped by to join us for dessert, and then Lori Heflin Crossland and her husband Patrick and their 2 children came over. Lori was a dear friend of mine from high school and I haven't seen her in 10 years. It felt significant to me to be bookending my evening with wonderful new friends and cherished old ones. I don't have any pictures of my visit with Lori and I am so sad about that. But here are the Burtons at dinner with us and May and Ernie:

This is the Burton's daughter, Melody- she is in Ernie's seminary class

And here is Bob playing with Percy... Percy left him with a bloodied arm.

And I wanted to throw this one in for good measure- Max snuggling Ernie while I finished up before our dinner guests arrived.


amyraye said...

oh- if only every new person in the ward knew how important #7 is. so very.

Kitty Smith said...

I can't believe how many people were at your house in just one night for a visit! I wish I was one of those people! Sounds like a fun night. Also, I just figured out where my posts are going (I thought I was posting comments). Somehow I failed to write in the word that blogger puts up to make sure you are a real person. I have been trying give comments, but due to operator error have failed!

Liney said...

I love you guys!!! I think I had the best young womens president ever!!! Not every young womens president asks you to be in the delivery room.:)