Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Herding Cats

I felt like I was herding cats at the doctor's office this morning. And I only had 3 of the kids with me, Little Ernie stayed home. Emmaline has been suffering from headaches for the last 2 months and today I finally took her to the doctor. So I will completely skip over the nightmare of the waiting room and take us directly to the exam room where 3 children were all fighting over who got to spin around on the doctors stool. When the doctor got to the room, good natured as he was (I will not fault him), he just kept making comments about how people with only one child cannot conceive of life with 3 or 4. As the doctor examined Emmaline he asked me questions about her, which Nigel consistently answered for me.

Doctor: "So, how is Emmaline doing with going to the bathroom- does she go regularly?"

Nigel: (speaking loudly to be heard over everyone else (and also speaking incredibly sincerely))- "She says it burns when she pees!"

Yep. It was one of those days at the doctor's office. Now Little Ernie's throat is hurting and my visual exam of his throat pretty much confirms that we'll be back at the doctor's tomorrrow.

My Little Princess

1 comment:

Kitty Smith said...

Crap, I commented on this one too, and lost it due to operator error! Your little princess is pretty cute. Aren't you glad to know how intimate your kids are? I just loved Nigel's response to the doctor's questions. I hope they stay close as they get older. I love that I am so close to my family.