Thursday, January 21, 2010

“Hey Honey…”

Back in March 2009, Ernie came home from work and said, “Hey honey, I got a call from a recruiter today about a job in Hattiesburg, Mississippi.” And I tried not to get my hopes up, because that sounded just about perfect to me. So Ernie had the first phone interview, and then another, and then a face to face interview and then a face to face with the company psychologist and then finally a job offer and it felt like the right thing for our family. So we got down here in June and I was so excited for a number of reasons, but one of the big reasons was that Hattiesburg is 3 hours from Pensacola, Florida! We lived in Pensacola when I was in high school and I love the weather in North Florida. After 7 years of shoveling snow I have developed an extreme aversion to being constantly cold for months at a time and Hattiesburg is slightly north of, but pretty much due west from Pensacola, so I knew that the weather was going to be great.

So today was January weather that I remember from life in Pensacola- 78 degrees and sunny! Here’s the kids when the boys got off the bus (Emmaline stayed home today because she had her eyes dilated this morning).

Smith kids

And here’s a pic from earlier in the day with Emmaline and Max (Emmaline is wearing the sunglasses that she picked out at the ophthalmologist’s office).

Emmaline and Max

So do I miss heavy coats and snow boots? I think you know the answer to that!


Sylvia said...

I wish I was there! I've been cold and wettish all day. Visiting you in February is going to be so much more awesome than in Kentucky and Indiana....especially Indiana.

Sylvia said... remember that time I visited you in Indiana in February and when I left to go home I had to turn around when I hit the Kentucky boarder and head back to your house because it was getting really hard to see through all the snow. Something like 30 people died that night from the blizzard. I swore I would never visit you in February again as long as you were living in Indiana. Good times. I have to say I really don't miss Indiana.

Trina Barry said...

Yes, I'm with you! I love warm how warm it is here in Tucson right now! You have it even better-- you're close to water! Looks like it was a great day!