Sunday, January 3, 2010

Goodnight Moon

Today we had 9am church, which is the first time we have gone to church at 9am in 3 years. I thought that I would hate it, but you know what? I took a nap after church ( a LONG one) and woke up in plenty of time to finish up dinner (thank you May and Ernie for cooking the roast!), not mention the fact that Max got home from church and ate lunch, was pleasant and took a good nap himself. There might be something to this early church.

I'm not sure if people were just sleepy this morning, but church was much quieter than usual and it was wonderful to be able to actually hear the people bearing their testimonies. I could see Little Ernie listening and being attentive and I was so thankful for that. I taught the Relief Society lesson today on Scripture Study and listened as the sisters in the class shared wonderful thoughts. It was a great subject for me to prepare because, as usual, I think I learned more than I taught.

When I woke up from my nap this afternoon and came out to the living room, Max ran straight over to me and put "Goodnight Moon" in my hands. (Notice my totally awesome mismatched pajamas!)

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