Wednesday, January 27, 2010

She did it!

Emmaline came home from school today and decided, as usual, to go play outside by herself. She does this a lot and I think it’s because she needs to decompress from school. So today she ran outside to play and about 30 minutes later she came in and told me that she had taught herself to ride her bike! Ernie took her training wheels off weeks ago because he thought she was ready to ride her bike, but at the time she didn’t think she was ready. So I followed her outside and she showed me! I’m so proud of her!

bike 3  


bike 2

Here’s some randomness from today…

…a conversation with my most absent-minded child

Me: Nigel did you want ketchup on your hot dog?

Nigel: No mom, I already told you I don’t want ketchup.

Me: Sorry, I forgot.

Nigel: Don’t worry mom, that happens to me a lot too.

Kitchen Art

Emma and Max_kitchen 2

Max and light sabernigel and ,ax

Nigel’s Warrior Cry: a story in pictures

nigel's warrior cry

nigel's warrior cry 2

nigel's warrior cry 3


And last but not least…

mommy and max

Me and Max. Who needs a shower or make-up? Max will love me all the same!


amyraye said...

emmaline: meet ray.

Rebecca said...

Oh my goodness, Amy- that is hilarious!

Joni said...

Oh, Rebecca - You need to be reading the blog Dress A Day (have I told you this already?) but you ESPECIALLY need to read today's post.

Rebecca said...

No Joni, you did not tell me about that blog and HOW AWESOME was that post? Thank you for sharing!

Joni said...

You're welcome, and of course I could NOT resist quoting huge passages from 'The Blue Castle' in the comments section but I think you knew that about me already...