Monday, January 25, 2010

Well Rested

Ok, I realize that this blog post might seem silly, but I’m going to blog about it anyways.

This weekend I got a lot of rest. Yesterday I fell asleep at 3:45pm and woke up at 5:45pm and I had absolutely no problem going back to bed last night at 9pm.

No surprise here, but I woke up feeling great this morning.

Here’s what I did today:

  • lots of laundry (my least favorite chore)
  • sat for an hour at the urgent care clinic with 3 kids
  • got 2 positive strep tests (that would be Ernie and Nigel)
  • had the doctor tell me that both the boys will have to be out of school for 3 days (3 DAYS?!?)
  • had to go back to the pharmacy twice to get the antibiotics, because when I went to pick up at the time they gave me, it still wasn’t ready.

And here’s what Ernie said when he walked in the door tonight, “Wow, you look happy, you must have had a great day!”

He’s right, I was still happy and relaxed tonight despite having a day full of all the things that normally put me over the edge. Wow- so sleep really does make a difference! 


Doreen said...

I thought Ernie just had strep throat? Did he not get rid of it? I hope it doesn't go to the other two, and certainly not to you.

amyraye said...

funny- because my day played out the way it did because i was NOT well-rested. it's so hard to go to bed before 10.